I don’t know about you, but I love old boxes. I often wonder about the history of each box, and some have the most amazing graphics on them.
The re-purposing ideas for boxes are endless as the size and style of boxes available.
These cheese boxes are so cute. You can add flowers, wood spools, vintage kitchen gadgets, and so much more.
This is a great way to re-purpose an old primitive box for the larger dog.
I watched a couple of foals growing up, and when they were first born her legs were so long, they had to bend over to eat grass because their legs were so long!
Have a great week!
Nancie, Winston & Ziggy
#oldboxes #spiceboxes #cheesebox, #re-purposedboxes #dogfeeder #primitives #lafayetteantiques #funkyvintiques #rusticranchbarnsales #antiques #lafayetteantiquesco
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