Curious where we’ll be traveling to this spring & summer? Guess no more – Our show schedule has been updated with links to the Event’s Facebook pages for more information.
Happy Spring!! almost 🙂
Have an awesome day!
Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston
Curious where we’ll be traveling to this spring & summer? Guess no more – Our show schedule has been updated with links to the Event’s Facebook pages for more information.
Happy Spring!! almost 🙂
Have an awesome day!
Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston
When: Saturday February 4th – 10 am – 6 pm
Sunday February 5th – noon – 5 pm
Where: 304 E. Baseline Rd, Ste A
Lafayette, Co
No Need to RSVP – We will have an amazing array of refreshments.
We will also be giving away (2) TWO $25.00 gift certificates. No need to be present at time of drawing, but you do need to enter! 🙂
Our Store-wide Sale starts tomorrow Friday 8/19/16 at 10 am and runs through 5 pm on Sunday 8/21/16.
Up to 50% or more off select items !!
Now is the time stop in early to pick up the special treasure you have been watching!
Have an awesome weekend!
Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston
Vintage Market Days of Central Denver is only a few weeks away. How did the 6 weeks I had to get ready turn into 3 weeks?
Check our Facebook page for the complete event info.
Below are some pics of the awesome items you will find in our booth!
Question – What type of stuff would you like to see? Primitives, furniture, smalls, retro, mid-century, or just a nice mix? Our booth will be smaller that our booth in Estes Park, but we will still have some amazing stuff for you!
Hope to see you all in Castle Rock!
Have an awesome day!
Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston
Three weeks after the VMD – Estes Park show, we did another one on a smaller scale in Johnston.
Rockin S Ranch is such a beautiful location. I could have stayed there much longer camping in Frankie.
Check back for more updates on our next show ~ and store news!
Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston
Since we last spoke, I have done two, yes 2 antique shows in the span of 1 month. My 3rd show is schedule for August!
Below are just a couple of the pictures I took at VMD – Estes Park.
Without my sister’s ~ Thanks Vickie ~ help I would have not been able to accomplish such a task. I packed for 2 weeks prior (during store hours), 1 day loading furniture, 2 days setting up, 3 days selling, and then tear down.
WOW ~ and then 3 weeks later I did another show, on a much smaller scale!
Have an awesome day!
Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston
That’s right – We are entered in some amazing antique shows this summer.
Please join us in Estes Park May 13th – May 15th. We are taking some amazing items with us!!
Can’t make Estes Park? don’t worry, the store will still be open and we have some amazing gardening items showing up in the store.
Stop back soon because we’ll be sharing some pictures of Frankie – my vintage trailer that will be at the show!
Have an awesome day!
Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston
Stop in and pick up some adorable Christmas décor half off before it’s gone! When it is gone, it is gone!
Stop in and pick up some adorable Christmas décor half off before it’s gone! When it is gone, it is gone!
There are only a few days left to Spot the Elf, get your book signed, and turn in the form for prizes.
If you haven’t picked up your book, we have a couple left, but hurry before their gone for another year!
Have a great weekend!
Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston