I love shopping for stocking stuffers, and I LOVE to check out my stocking on Christmas morning. Here are a few ideas that I love!
This list is to get your creative thought process going. Your kids, or spouse might not enjoy something on this list, but it will trigger something they do!
For the Kids:
- books
- crayons
- color book
- small chocolates
- gloves, stocking hat
- socks
- doll
- money
- favorite team shirt / pants
- hair ties
- hair brush
- pens / journal
- soap crayons
- bath toys
- bubble bath
For the Tween:
- nail polish
- finger nail polish remover
- books
- gloves
- stocking hat
- scarf
- gum
- football / basketball / soccer ball
- hair ties / barrettes
- hair brush
- puzzles
- games
- pens / journal
- candies
- bubble bath
- I tunes gift card
- shower gel
- gift card
- money
- scarf
- favorite team shirts /jersey
- hoodie
- gum
- football / basketball / soccer ball
- razor / blades
- games
- pens / journal
- hand cream
- perfume
- make up
- I Tunes gift card
- bubble bath
- shower gel
- chocolates
- coffee shop gift card
- razor blades
- nail polish
- perfume
- hand cream
- favorite coffee creamers
- lottery tickets
- local rec center membership (make sure she likes to exercise!!)
- bottle of wine
- favorite cooking gadget
- bubble bath
- shower gel
- make up
- bath oil
- gum
- chocolates
- coffee gift card
- razor blades
- shaving cream
- lottery tickets
- local rec center membership
- gloves
- stocking hat
- bottle of wine
- Leatherman
- golf balls / tees
- movie tickets
- fishing lures
- tools
- stocking hat
- ball cap
Have fun shopping for stocking stuffers!
Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston
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