Tag Archive for end table

One Plus One = Fabulous!

So many times we hear, “I love this but I don’t know what I would do with it or where I would put it!” Finding creative ways to use the items you fall in love with gives them a place in your home. That is our goal!



For instance, one of Nancie’s favorite one plus ones is to pair a cute plant with an even cuter item one wouldn’t immediately think of to plant in. (Between you and me, I think she looks at everything as a possible planter!!!) Teri used a dust pan as a planter!




Another one plus one is to add a table top to a barrel, in this case I used a vintage nail barrel, and create an instant end table for a small space! Add your own touches like a small lamp, picture frames, or seasonal decor to create a cozy corner.






Crocks, vintage metal pots, and vases are perfect containers for kitchen utensils. Loretta chose to house her collection of wood rolling pins in a metal pot that may not be suitable for cooking but is absolutely perfect as a display piece!





Come on in and find your perfect one plus one pieces to take home to create your cozy displays! When you fall in love with an item but think, “What can I use this for?,” just ask! We love to chat about fun uses for our beloved antiques!

Carolyn along with Nancie, Winston and Ziggy



Let’s Talk Crocks

Let’s talk about crocks! No, not those cute little shoes perfect for summer wear! Those beautiful stoneWARE pottery pieces that were once used to hold food before the days of refrigeration.

They were watertight and could hold a wide variety of items. Well, now we don’t need to hold food in them! We have a wide variety of crocks in the store, different sizes and shapes, with limitless possibilities for use in your home!

These two are my favorites! I don’t use traditional end tables in my home so a large crock would be perfect in my meditation library next to my reading chair! And what a great way to display your collection of antique kitchen gadgets!!!

I also use a crock for a doorstop because the stoneware is heavy, so think about bookends or holding up an old bookshelf that has just a bit of a lean but you just can’t part with it!

Entertaining is another great time to re-purpose your smaller crocks! You can put your Grandmother’s flatware out in a crock if you are serving your delicious meal banquet style.

We all know what Nancie uses her crocks for…planters!!!


Whatever you use your crocks for, please stop in, introduce yourselves if we haven’t met, and show us pictures of what you have done! Can’t wait to see you!

Carolyn, hanging out with Nancie, Winston, and Ziggy