Archive for How to use items found in the store!

New use for old wash tubs

Oh man, I love these old wash tubs, and I LOVE them planted with flowers, but take a look at this kitchen island.


This is such an adorable way to add seating to any room, and storage space for blankets, or the kids toys.


Have an awesome day!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston











Spring Planting

Who is ready to plant spring flowers? I am – all you see around here is brown and white (snow). I am ready for some color!

I am definitely looking for a bike to plant at the store this spring!


Have an awesome day!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston

Mason Jar Christmas Decor

Vintage Mason Jars are being used for more than vases, and gifts in a jar. Below are some beautiful ideas for creating décor in jar.



I really love these on the pedestal, and there is a tutorial on how she created them!


Have a great day!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston


Tea Cups & Tea Pots

We have several types & colors of tea pots and tea cups in the store, and I thought that I would share a couple of collections to give you an idea how to display them. Tea cups & tea pots are also an affordable gift to give.

This is such a cute way to display tea cups & tea pots. So simple, but ahhh so cute. Love the mix of the colors!


Another beautiful display of tea pots and tea cups.


We love to see you collections, please share!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston


Vintage Hanky’s

Not all of us can sew or are very creative, yet we see all of these beautiful hanky’s and wonder what we can do with them.

 We are going to share some ideas to use these beautiful hanky’s with little or no sewing, and a little imagination.

Below is such cute bracelet made out of hanky’s. I am going to have to try this.


What a unique way to serve tea to your lady friends! oh, and the colors! You could make one for each season.


This a great way to girlie up you space by making hanky a window valance or curtain.



Have a great day!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston




Old Shutters

We have several sets of old shutters in the store, and I got to thinking (I know – that is dangerous). How can I creatively use a couple of them?

Yes, we all love them painted and shabby, but what else can we do with them? Here you go!

This would be adorable as a side table next to the bed or a little extra storage in the bathroom, or on the counter in the kitchen.

It would look so cute with plants, colorful vintage cooking utensils, or a couple of recipe books and a recipe box. The possibilities are limitless!


This adorable shelf would look great in the laundry room, entry way, or even the bedroom. Add a few old door knobs and you have a coat rack!


What a cute way to add storage in a small bathroom to store towels, toiletries, or just a plant or two!


Would love to see how you have re-purposed old shutters in your home!

Have an awesome day.

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston

Old Picture Frames

Several years ago I quit buying old picture frames because I could never sell them. I know that everyone has picture frames with family photos.

I just discovered a very clever way to use those old frames that I could never sell.



Have an awesome day!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston

Decorating with Vintage Photos & Cameras

Customers often wonder what do you do with the vintage photos you find in the store. They are someone’s else’s relatives, why would I decorate with them.

Just think of all the history and stories that these photos could tell if they could talk!

Below are some great ideas and ways to decorate with vintage cameras and photos. So go ahead and pull out grandma’s old cameras and start showing them off!




Don’t forget that you are also re-purposing something that might have gone into the landfill.

Don’t forget to share you collections with us!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston


What to do with those Old Bottles

I have a small collection of different colors, sizes & styles of bottles at home. I just love the different shapes. We also have a WIDE range of bottles in the store! You can create a nice collection with out taking up a lot of space or spend a lot of money.

Over the last several years I have sold more bottles than I can count. What is it about old bottles? Well, there are so many different colors, styles, sizes & uses. I am going to share some ways to use some of these unique pieces of glass that we call bottles!

Many ladies have been using small bottles as flower vases on their wedding reception tables.



I love to a mixture of color and sizes on my shelves.


And others love to decorate and paint them.


More info on how to decorate and paint old bottles in on another day!

I am going to share ways to clean out the bottles. I personally love them just how they are dug out of the dirt!

Have an awesome day, and don’t forget to share pics of your old bottle collection.

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston












Cleaver Ways to use Old Windows

You walk into the store and see our assortment of old windows and you say “I love those windows, but what can I do with them?”

Below are just a few of the many and creative ways to use old windows!

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We have many sizes, some with several panes, some single pane, some with glass and some without glass. Something for everyone and every project!

Have an awesome day, and please share you creative window projects!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston