Tag Archive for galvanized tub

Today’s Inspiration


I don’t know about you, but I need a little beautiful color and inspiration. Some of my flowers are doing ok, and then the heat in Colorado has made a few sad!

I am starting to visualize my garden next year. I have a new area that we are starting to work on, but most of the work won’t happen till spring.

Until then, we have these beautiful pics to look at!





I  just picked up a couple of perennials on sale, and I have an adorable mop bucket that I am going to put one in. Can’t wait to share pics!






If you’re looking for galvanized buckets, wash tubs, or mop buckets, we have them. Large selection of sizes and styles available!


Have a great day!

Nancie, Winston & Ziggy







Waiting for Planting Season…

It’s officially Spring!!! I don’t know about you but I have such a hard time waiting for planting season once the warmer weather gets here. Every year I start my mantra, “Wait for Mother’s Day, wait for Mother’s Day…” Then the stores bring out the spring bulbs and seed packets. “Wait for Mother’s Day!” Easter decorations appear along with hyacinths, daffodils, and tulips in pretty colored pots. “Wait for Mother’s Day!!” All of the new gardening tools appear and the garden sections open in all of the home improvement stores. “WAIT FOR MOTHER’S DAY!!!” I feel like a little girl standing in front of the penny candy store window and my resolve to wait dwindles. Not this year!!!

This year I have a new plan! I am going to use the warmer weather to decorate the side of my garage! That garage wall is what I see when I wash my dishes. We have all of these wonderful items at the store to make my plain garage wall into a wonderful rustic scene. I can use the days until planting season to plan and collect the items I need to create the area I want. I am using the following pictures to inspire my plan:

I am going to get through this warmer weather without buying and planting too early! I will post a picture when my project is done. We hope to see you in the store looking for items for your decorating projects too! We can do this! We can wait for Mother’s Day!

Carolyn joining Nancie, Winston and Ziggy to wish you a

Happy Spring!


Creative ideas for Galvanized Tubs, Buckets & More!

Spring is just around the corner and I have such a love of galvanized tubs, buckets, chicken feeders, and chicken water’s (and yes, we have many at the store already), that I am going to share some of my favorite uses!

This would look so cute on a large farm table.

And for those of you that do not garden – here are a few ideas for you also!

This is a cute bar – you can also use an old sewing machine cabinet and add the bucket, or attach the wash tub to an old sewing machine cast iron base.

This little table is so cute, and creates an extra storage area. If you need extra seating, add a cushion and you have a chair / ottoman with extra storage.

As this shows, there is so many ways to use galvanized items in the house for storage!

There are so many creative ways to use galvanized containers for. Please show us your creative uses!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston

New use for old wash tubs

Oh man, I love these old wash tubs, and I LOVE them planted with flowers, but take a look at this kitchen island.


This is such an adorable way to add seating to any room, and storage space for blankets, or the kids toys.


Have an awesome day!

Nancie, Haley d’Pug & Winston